Here are some examples from my audio resume.
I host a two-hour weekly “eclectic alternative” music program called Brainwaves on several Internet radio stations, including andHow.FM and Rock XS. Previously, the show aired on ErrorFM and Radio Free Nachlaot. An archive of the show with playlists can be found here, and the most recent episodes also stream on Mixcloud. Here’s a recent sample episode.
For a couple of years I hosted and produced an indie music podcast. The show, called Indiescrete, featured independent and small label artists, and I contacted and received permission from each band to play their music. The site includes links to all the artists’ MySpace pages. Here are two sample programs.
This Normal Life
For four years, I recorded a weekly audio podcast version of my popular blog, This Normal Life. The recordings were hosted on The Jerusalem Post‘s website and later on my blog itself. Here is a sampling of some of my favorite pieces.
That’s a Nice Robe You Got There
Understanding Basic Hebrew
I had an interesting job where I was hired to edit a Hebrew-English teaching curriculum. Part of the project included recording several hundred short audio clips from “real” Israelis speaking the sample dialogues in the course. Here are a couple of samples.
Old stuff
During my college years, I was a DJ, documentary and radio drama producer for the campus radio station WOBC. Here are a few clips.
High School – this is a short NPR-style documentary from 1983 I produced about a Sony Walkman “play” conducted at a San Francisco Bay Area high school. Recorded as part of Western Public Radio’s Radio Drama Workshop.
KANZ High Plains Profile – I interned in 1982 at a public radio station in Kansas and produced this short documentary about a colorful local museum.
The Adventures of Obie – a radio drama spoof of the popular ZBS comedy series The Adventures of Ruby, which ran on NPR stations from 1982 to 2009.
Attack of the Pacmen – I wrote and produced this sci-fi comedy radio drama which starred a cast of college students and a lot of sound effects.
The 1981 Draft – remember when then President Ronald Reagan considered reinstating the draft? I produced this documentary where I interviewed local high school students to hear their opinions. Note my barely concealed 21-year-old college political bias.
On Leaving Oberlin, O – just before I left Oberlin College, I wrote a long prose poem (I was, after all, a Creative Writing major), set it to music and performed it on air.
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