A Social Media Proposal

August 8, 2009

This is what social media is all about…a wedding proposal via YouTube and posted to Facebook. It’s in Hebrew, but you get the idea.

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Move over Twitter, Here Comes Flutter

August 4, 2009

There have been some very funny social media parodies that have swept the web. CollegeHumor’s Web Site Story and the BBC’s What if Facebook Were Real? The latest to come across my desk is this take on a new nano-blogging service with a maximum of 26 character updates: Flutter. Enjoy!

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Business Advice for Social Entrepreneurs

August 3, 2009

As the 16 “social entrepreneurs” took to the stage last Thursday to present their 15-second “elevator pitch,” I was filled with anticipation. What would the next generation of hi-tech founders come up with? Here were some of Israel’s best and brightest, hand selected by the Presentense organization which aims to arm young people who want […]

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Backfence Founder Shares Tips on Hyperlocal

July 31, 2009

Mark Potts, co-founder of the defunct hyperlocal citizen-journalism experiment BackFence, shared some thoughts on lessons he learned during his tenure at the company. While “some of BackFence’s problems were internal and self-inflicted,” Potts is still “very optimistic that a similar model can and will succeed. We’ll summarize Potts’s main points here, but the full article, […]

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More People Share Links on Facebook than Email

July 30, 2009

Publishers who want to more widely distribute their content should pay attention to new data from AddToAny. According to the firm, more people use Facebook to share links than any other service, including e-mail. Facebook accounts for 24 percent of uses of a widget created and marketed by AddToAny to share links to articles, videos […]

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YouTube is Embracing Hyperlocal

July 30, 2009

Hyperlocal is coming to YouTube. The Google-owned video-sharing giant has invited the more than 25,000 news sources listed on Google News to become video suppliers. The site is also promoting videos from ABC News, The Associated Press, Reuters and other outlets. YouTube’s hyperlocal trick is to match your location with news from your area (in […]

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Tweets Come to the Western Wall

July 23, 2009

Have you ever wanted to place a note in the Western Wall but couldn’t afford the ticket to Jerusalem? Now you can tweet it. It’s traditional to place short notes in the cracks of the Western Wall stones asking for health, livelihood and other personal requests. Now, a new Israeli Web site launched two weeks […]

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Mom and Pop’s Using Twitter – How Can You Tap in?

July 23, 2009

An article in The New York Times about Twitter got us thinking. The piece by Claire Cain Miller discusses how small businesses are increasingly using Twitter as their main form of advertising. It cites a man in San Francisco who opened a pushcart selling crème brulee. 5,400 people are now following him to find out […]

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Amazon vs. Barnes and Noble in the Battle of the E-Readers

July 22, 2009

The battle of the e-readers is heating up. Barnes and Noble has announced it has entered into an exclusive agreement to sell the upcoming device from Plastic Logic. The unit competes directly with the Amazon Kindle DX – both are about the same size – although the Plastic Logic device is spiffier in our opinion […]

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Charging for Content: FT.com Editor Weighs In

July 20, 2009

The U.K. Financial Times’ editor Lionel Barber said during a public speech last week that he confidently predicts “that within the next 12 months, almost all news organizations will be charging for content.” “News organizations with specialist skills and knowledge have the opportunity to thrive. The mediocre middle is much more at risk,” he continued. […]

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