Multitasking in Tel Aviv

July 14, 2010

A recent episode of the NPR program Science Friday featured an interview with Clifford Nass, the author of the forthcoming book “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop,” about whether human beings are truly able to multitask. His conclusion: not really. Nass says that we have the illusion of multitasking, but in reality, we are […]

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My Day with the iPad

June 30, 2010

Last week, I hired a team to design and build a cool new iPad app for me (more on that in the coming weeks). The problem was that, at the time, I’d never actually held or used an iPad. So I was truly delighted when my friend Mitch Simon, who runs a successful coaching business […]

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Free Phone Calls: a PokeTalk Update

June 4, 2010

In January 2009, I wrote an article for Israel21c about PokeTalk, a then new startup offering free VoIP calls using regular phone lines. I bumped into the company’s founders Shai Genish and Boaz Bahar Wednesday night at a meeting of the TechAviv Founder’s Forum and I thought I’d share the original article with you here […]

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LabPixies Investors Share Insights into Company’s Acquisition by Google

May 24, 2010

Google’s announcement last month that it was acquiring Tel Aviv-based LabPixies for a rumored $25 million caught some Israeli analysts by surprise. That’s a tidy sum for a small startup with just 12 employees that has raised less than $2 million over its four years of operation. Yaron Carni, LabPixies’ lead investor wasn’t caught out, […]

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Tawkon Helps Reduce Radiation Danger from Your Cell Phone

May 5, 2010

What do you do when you suspect something’s bad for you but you just can’t stop doing it? That’s a question many cellular phone users have been asking themselves, with reports of radiation emissions from their mobile devices raising serious questions about the safety of our increasingly un-tethered society. A new Israeli startup may have […]

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My Posts at – Part Two

April 20, 2010

Last week, I published 15 links to articles I wrote for about the the classified advertising business which I covered for five years. I chronicled hundreds of companies – from startups to established classified pure plays. Here is part two of my list. And if you want to know more, visit for the […]

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My Posts at – Part One

April 13, 2010

For over five years, I covered the classified advertising business for I was the beat reporter for real estate and automotive, and I chronicled hundreds of companies – from startups such as Zillow and HotPads – to established classified pure plays including, and We covered social media extensively, but the main […]

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Get a New Logo for $30

March 31, 2010

I want to let you in on one of my biggest – and most cost-saving – secrets. Did you notice the new logo I posted awhile back on this site – the colorful “Blum Interactive Media” with the interacting squares? Now take a look at the new logo I have on my personal blog – […]

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A Neat Trick for Scheduling Meetings

March 21, 2010

New startups have the best shot at success when they address a “pain point” – an issue that causes discomfort, annoyance or even loss of business. Tel Aviv-based Neatcall targets just such a situation, one that will be immediately familiar to anyone who’s ever tried to schedule a meeting with two or more participants: Seemingly […]

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Israel’s Top Ten Must-Have Gadgets

March 10, 2010

Israelis love technology. They are early adapters, and relentless innovators, always looking for ways to improve their lives in every possible area. With the country’s talent for development, it’s no surprise that some of the world’s top gadgets were designed and developed in Israel. Israel21c asked me to put together a list of the ten […]

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